Sneaker Care
The maintenance of sneakers works very simply:
The white sole edge is rubbed clean with the Cleaning Bar WHITE and then the shoes are washed.
Depending on the material or material mix, use Shampoo Leather or Canvas for all textile materials, plastics and artificial leather.
A bowl of lukewarm water, a sponge and a drainer are needed.
Apply some shampoo to the wet sponge and wash off the shoe, but keep it down if you do not want to wet it inside to prevent water from running in.
Then let the sneakers dry with or without shoe trees, preferably naturally.
To speed up the drying process, you can dry the shoes with a lint-free towel – do not rub but just press the towel against the shoe.
If you want to wear the sneakers again after a short drying time, then the Foam Shampoo, the soap foam, is the right choice:
Wet cleaning without water!
After drying you can impregnate the sneakers with a “Nano-Spray” or even better with the KNIT-UPPER dirt-repellent; when using the KNIT-UPPER the colours are refreshed or reactivated at the same time – just as someone wants to describe it.
What you need
Shoe brush (horsehair)
Shampoo LEATHER or Shampoo CANVAS or
Foam Shampoo
Cleaning Bar WHITE
10-15 minutes